Are you ready to prepare yourself and your organization for the impacts of Digital Disruption?

We are in the early stages of The Great Transformation, the greatest shift in human activity in the history of mankind.
The accelerating changes we will experience are driven by a convergence of processing power, availability of data, and increasing abilities of machines to emulate human like thinking and actions. In late 2016 I had my personal “digital awakening” when I encountered the possibilities of AI. The more I learned, the more I realized that I was not future ready. I began my personal journey of preparation and I am working with clients via Keynote Speaking and Leadership Engagement to ensure they are getting ready to start their own.
Do you have a navigational roadmap to guide you through an era of rapid change?

When I realized that the relationship between strategy and technology is fundamentally changing (elevating technology to possibly THE essential driver of strategic opportunities and a key performance differentiator), I had to reinvent my approach to strategy and visioning. The POP Framework (Posture, Opportunity, Preparation) is an interactive approach which considers your starting point and guides you through a journey of education, assessment, and stakeholder dialogue. I leverage proprietary tools like Dimensional Visioning to help my clients establish integrated game plans.
The deeper my understanding grew, the more I realized that we have an existential challenge in Wisconsin (which likely holds true for many other geographies) that is not being addressed by most stakeholders. To drive awareness on the issue I created a vision paper The Digital Transformation of Wisconsin.
How can you lead through change if you do not understand the nature and impact of its drivers?

Since late 2016 I have been on one of the most intense learning paths in my entire career. Learning from those who know more than me, and sharing that knowledge with those who know less, has allowed me to become a very effective “explainer of technology driven change”, even without me having a technology background. Through my extensive educational work as a keynote speaker and presenter with Advancing AI Wisconsin and my MBA level course Waves of Disruption I am helping audiences build a robust understanding of the nature and impact of technologies such as AI (and many others) and enable them to become champions of change in their own organizations.